Dartmouth Events

Wright Center Spring: Seminars in "Data Justice"

Alexa Koenig, JD, PhD, is executive director of UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center (winner of the 2015 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions), director of the center’s Technology and Human Rights Program, and a lecturer in UC Berkeley’s School of Law.

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Zoom link provided to RSVPs
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Conferences, Lectures & Seminars

The Wright Center for the Study of Computation & Just Communities: A Seminar in "Data Justice" - presentations surveying how data has been and continues to be brought to bear on issues of justice. Please sign up here. Learn more about the Wright Center here.  


  • 4/13 - Jay Aronson, Director of the Center for Human Rights Science at Carnegie Mellon University
  • 4/20 - Jared Holt, Resident Fellow, Atlantic Council
  • 4/27 - Amiya Bhatia, Research Fellow in Social Epidemiology & Child Protection, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • 5/4 - Lillian Leung, Graduate Research Asst., Eviction Lab, Princeton University
  • 5/11 - Alexa Koenig, Executive Director of the Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law

The increasing use of digital technologies--including social media--is changing how everyone from law enforcement to human rights activists to war crimes investigators are discovering and reporting on world events. From genocide in Myanmar to chemical weapons attacks in Syria to the siege on the U.S. Capitol, digital technologies are being used to document human rights violations and war crimes. The Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley has been pioneering the application of digital open source investigations to international criminal investigations, most recently partnering with the United Nations Office of the HIgh Commissioner for Human Rights to release a global protocol on the use of digital data in international legal processes. In this talk, Alexa Koenig will discuss how digital technologies are increasingly being deployed in the quest for justice, spotlighting the latest efforts to make that deployment ever-more efficient, effective, and ethical.

  • 5/18 - Jacque Wernimont, Distinguished Chair in Digital Humanities & Social Engagement, WGSS, Dartmouth College
  • ·5/25 - Leonardo Milano, Predictive Analytics Team Lead, & Stuart Campo, Data Responsibility Team Lead, UNOCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data
For more information, contact:
Neukom Institute

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.