Campus Partners
Dartmouth Interdisciplinary Network Research Group (DINR)
DINR is a gathering of researchers from across Dartmouth College, including business, computer science, health policy, mathematics, medicine, political science and sociology, who share a common interest in networks or network-related phenomena.
Neukom DALI
Students get a powerful educational experience in the Digital Arts, Leadership, & Innovation (DALI) Lab. Students design and build mobile applications, websites, virtual and augmented reality, digital installations, and more.
Women in Science Project (WISP) Internships
The WISP Research Internship Program, established in 1991, matches undergraduate women with faculty mentors in paid, part-time research internships in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines
Karen E. Wetterhahn Science Symposium
Faculty, graduate students, campus administrators, undergraduates, friends and family gather to hear about cutting edge research from the invited keynote speaker and to interact with the student researchers about their work.
All Dartmouth undergraduates conducting scientific research are invited to present a poster at the symposium.