Dartmouth Events

Wright Center Event: Fake News, Propaganda, and the Narrative Force

Fake News, Propaganda, and the Narrative Force - Historical, Aesthetic, Computational, and Cultural Considerations

3 pm – 5 pm
Zoom link provided to RSVPs
Intended Audience(s): Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff
Categories: Conferences

At our first brainstorming session on December 15, 2020, we raised a host of interesting questions and subjects related to the broad mission of the Center and ripe for interdisciplinary study. Among these is the subject "fake news" and propaganda, and more broadly, the role of storytelling in all modes and media in creating social climate and animating/driving social thought and action. To that end, we invite participation over the break between winter and spring quarters to a Zoom meeting: "Fake News, Propaganda, and the Narrative Force - Historical, Aesthetic, Computational, and Cultural Considerations", for Monday, April 5, 3-5PM.

Please contact Christine Monigle for the link to sign up for this event.

"Fake News, Propaganda, and the Narrative Force" - A Wright Center Zoom Event, April 5 , 3PM-5PM

Dan Rockmore (Mathematics, Computer Science, Neukom Institute) 

Petra McGillen (German Studies) 

Brendan Nyhan (Government)    

Lynn Patyk (Russian) 

Soroush Vosoughi (Computer Science)  

Dan Rockmore (Director, Neukom Institute)

Fake News and Fact Checking: 

Dan Rockmore (MATH, CS) – “Information Verification – a Wikipedia Case Study”

Brendan Nyhan (GOV) – “Measuring Misinformation Exposure and Fact-Checking Efficacy: COVID-19 and Voter Fraud”

Paul Thompson (PBS) – “Language Independent, Automatic Propaganda Detection” 


Reality Wars and Propaganda:

Lynn Patyk (RUS) – “Tactics and Media in Russian Reality Wars”

Tarek El-Ariss (MES) – “When the Jinn Take to Twitter”

Susan Brison (PHIL) - “Fake News and Free Speech Values”

Soroush Vosoughi (COSC) - "A Unified Theoretical and Computational Framework for Narratives "


Poetic Possibilities of Facts and Fakes:

Colleen Boggs (ENGL, WGSS) – “Poetics of Fact, Politics of Fact”

Petra McGillen (GER) -  “Everyday Fakery in Nineteenth-Century Newswork”

Heidi Denzel (GER) – “Framing News as Form of Social Resistance” 

James Murphy (GOVT) – “Why Stories Beat Facts” 


Social Psychology and Belief Formation:

Susannah Heschel (JEWISH STUDIES) – “Antisemitism: From Story to Politics to Murder”

Feng Fu (MATH) – “Spatial Games of Fake News”

Tor Wager (PBS) – “Brain and Computational Mechanisms of Self-Reinforcing Beliefs”

Gene Santos (ENGS) – “Computational Models of Belief Formation and Intent”


For more on information on the Wright Center for the Study of Computation and Just Communities.

For more information, contact:
Christine Monigle

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.