Dartmouth Events

Diffusion of Information Through On-Demand Information Seeking Behavior

Professor David Lazer shares results from two country-level experiments that point to a non-social spreading mechanism: the spread of information through on-demand “pull.”

12 pm – 2 pm
Tuck School of Business, Volanakis Faculty Seminar Room (Buchanan 051)
Intended Audience(s): Faculty
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Presenter: David Lazer, Professor in Political Science and Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University

Title: Diffusion of Information Through On-Demand Information Seeking Behavior

Abstract: Information, ideas, and products can spread interpersonally through social networks, in a manner similar to infectious diseases. However, information also spreads non-socially via traditional broadcast mechanisms from a central source such as advertising in magazines or web pages. In this paper we report results from two country-level experiments that point to another non-social spreading mechanism: the spread of information through on-demand “pull.” 

The DINR Group's speaker series for the 2016-17 academic year has been made possible by funding from Dartmouth's Neukom Institute and from the Program in Quantitative Social Science at Dartmouth

For more information, contact:
Kimberlee Hayward

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.