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Michael Massing, MacArthur Fellow and frequent writer for The New York Review of Books, shares his perspective on the failure of news outlets to harness the power of digital media
Digital technology, with its speed, versatility, interactivity, boundless capacity, and global reach, offers powerful new tools for delivering news and information, opinion and analysis. Yet news organizations have failed to take full advantage. For all the proliferation of sites and outlets, the hoped-for revolution in journalism has not occurred. Digital journalism needs to be reimagined—to become bolder and smarter. The coverage of the 2016 presidential campaign shows how much remains to be done.
Michael Massing has written for The New York Times, The New Yorker and Atlantic Monthly. He received the Mongerson Prize for Investigative Reporting (2005) for his book about the war on drugs, The Fix(2002). His book, Now They Tell Us: The American Press and Iraq(2004) exposes the failure of the press to investigte the reality of the rush to war in Iraq.
Reception to follow talk; free and open to the public.
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