Dartmouth Events

Collaborative #Sunrise: A Digital Installation of an Ever-going Sunrise

Collaborative #Sunrise is an installation of an ever-going sunrise watching experience collectively created by Instagram users around the world in real time.

9 pm – 12 am
Blunt Lawn (Outside Baker on Tuck Drive)
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Exhibitions, Free Food

Openning Reception is at 9pm on August 17 with catered food and beverage.

This exhibition is part of Kiko Lam's Masters Thesis in Computer Science with a concentration in Digital Arts.

Collaborative #Sunrise is a computational art piece about nature, colors, time, and social media. The sun and the sky compose the greatest beauty of nature. Numerous Instagram users try to capture the beautiful sunrise landscape in real time and share the pictures on their profiles. There are currently about 25,000,000 pictures that are #sunrise uploaded on Instagram. A new picture is uploaded every 1-5 second. The abundance and instantaneity of these picture data recreated this precious moment of bliss best appreciated in real life into a digital timeless content. I am recreating a sunrise watching experience by using colors in the pictures that are #sunrise pulled from Instagram in real time.

For more information, contact:
Kiko Lam

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.