

DNA Methylation Therapy for Testicular Germ Cell Tumors

Aneeq Chaudhry `19, Advisor: Michael J. Spinella (Geisel School of Medicine)

Stainforth Library of Women's Writing        

Allyson M. Long  `17,  Advisor: Kirstyn J. Leuner (Digital Humanities)                 

Understanding Gambling Behavior Using Massive Online Casino Data Combined with Modeling of Risk Attitudes

Jonathan Meng '18,  Advisor: Feng Fu (Mathematics)

Roles of Cellular Pathways as a Cause of Obesity

Seokwon (Brian) Lee and Samuel T. Kim, Advisor: Craig Tomlinson (Pharmacology & Toxicology)


Saccadic Target Selection Made by the Nervous System

Emily Chu `17, Advisor: Alireza Soltani (Computational Neuroscience)

Spatial Epidemiological Modeling of Disease Transmission and Intervention Strategies

Ran Zhuo`17, Advisor: Feng Fu (Mathematics)

Characterization and Treatment of Glioblastoma

Myung Chang Lee`18,  Advisor: Mark A. Israel (Geisel School of Medicine)

Image Processing for the Visually Impaired with Microsoft HoloLens

Jonathan Huang `17,  Advisor: Emily Cooper (Psychological & Brain Sciences)

Stainforth Library of Women's Writing        

Allyson M. Long  `17, Advisor: Kirstyn J. Leuner  (Digital Humanities)



Characterization and Treatment of Glioblastoma

Myung Chang Lee`18, Advisor: Mark A. Israel (Geisel School of Medicine)

Improving Risk Models for Acute Myocardial Infarction 30-day Readmission

Charles Smith '18,  Advisor: Paul Thompson  (Bioinformatics)

Stainforth Library of Women's Writing        

Allyson M. Long  `17,  Advisor: Kirstyn J. Leuner (Digital Humanities)

Image Processing for the Visually Impaired with Microsoft HoloLens

Jonathan Huang `17, Advisor: Emily Cooper (Psychological & Brian Sciences)

Computational Analysis of Entanglement Entropy in a Quantum Spin Chain

Kent Ueno`18, Advisor: Chandrasekhar Ramanathan (Physics & Astronomy)



Single Handed Text and Numerical Entry for Smartwatches

Carter Jacobsen, Advisor: Xing-Dong Yang (Computer Science)

The Role of Pten Signaling in Neural Development

Andie Conching `18,  Advisor: Bryan Luikart (Geisel School of Medicine)

Complex Networks for Innovation Diffusion: Evolutionary Game Dynamics

Ho-Chun Herbert Chang,  Advisor:  Feng Fu  (Mathematics)